Nine Phrases You Should Use Every Week

There are dozens of articles telling us what not to say, phrases not to use, and words to avoid when we are with prospects and customers. Here’s a list of nine phrases we should start using, or continue to use, that can lead to building a better and stronger relationship with our clients.

  1. I can do that. Exhibit positivity. Everyone likes to be around positive people.
  2. It makes sense to me, what do you think? The best closing line you can use. If the plan doesn’t make sense to your prospect, this question will reveal why it doesn’t make sense.
  3. Let me give you an example. Keeps someone engaged, and helps them follow you and the conversation.
  4. Happy to help. When someone appreciates your effort and expresses their gratitude by saying, “Thank you” a simple, sincere, “you’re welcome” is the perfect response. When they continue to shower you with praise, “Happy to help.”
  5. Did you hear the one about… Have a thought, or story or joke available that puts a smile on your face to keep things in perspective.
  6. That’s a great idea! This exhibits excellent listening skills.
  7. Consider it done! Three simple words. This confident statement will get your client thinking positive about the future.
  8. I thought you would be interested in this article. Your client or prospect will appreciate the fact you were thinking about them.
  9. Thank you! People like to feel appreciated. Thank you for your business. Thank you for the referral; the present; the card; and the kind words. Thank you for staying late; arriving early; skipping lunch; and the good work that you do.  Thank you for reading this article!

Good selling!

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